
Gloss on Graduate School: Graduate Student Essential Recipe

1 bag of black-eyed bean* + water + 1 onion
(peeled) +i jalapeno. Cook till tender

add a bag of frozen collard greens

and a ham bone for seasoning

all can be had under $10, will last 
3 days of food

at least

Hot tip: substitute with a "sixteen beans" variety pack.


GIF: A Kid Rides his BMX Bike down a Flight of Stairs

A kid riding his BMX bike down a spiral concrete staircase.
A GIF of a teen boy BMXer riding a bike down a spiral set of stairs.
photo credit: gifbin.com
Just a random GIF of a kid riding his BMX bike down a flight of stairs.
Maybe in a former life, I was a BMXer? Why not.


Photograph: All Saints Catholic Church in Brooklyn

All Saints Catholic Church in Brooklyn, New York, Throop Ave.
All Saints Catholic Church in Brooklyn, New York, Throop Ave.
I walk past this church every day on my way to teach. It's a nice example of classic Romanesque style architecture. It is difficult to notice in this picture, but the rectory is a handsome building, as well. It sits to the left of the church in this photograph.


Photograph: Bubbles

Boy makes bubbles in Central Park


If You Try To Contact Me On My Website I May Just Respond (See Below For Details)

"Starry Night" gets more views than Stones of Erasmus.
But Who's Counting. Google check your algorithm.
Yes, if you e-mail me at the stonesoferasmus 
domain I will try to write back: unless your e-mail meets the following conditions:
1. spam. yuck. i don't eat the stuff
2. if you know me and just want to say, "hey"
3. hate mail. no one sends me hate mail to my other addresses, so why here? prolly won't happen
4. queries about hooking up (use another site)
5. homework help
6. queries to proofread (argghhh)
Although, I will respond most expeditiously to the following messages:
1. corrections. i like to be corrected on factual stuff. i'm no wikipedia
2. suggestions
3. rants
4. raves
5. ways you used my content
6. blah blah


MTA Service Change Notice With Extras

On a service disruption memo left on the subway platform, a straphanger has scribbled the phone numbers of the New York Police Department Internal Affairs Department and the Civilian Complaint Review Board.
Someone Wants Us to Complain to the MTA/NYPD
I'm not so sure a call to the NYPD internal affairs office will help much with a planned service change. Gotta love the subways on the weekends. The funny part was two police officers were reading the sign just before I snapped the photo. The bottom left of the poster includes the phone number for the "Commission to Combat Police Corruption, 212-487-7350."


Trinity Churchyard, Lower Manhattan, New York City

A quick visit to the churchyard at Trinity Church on Broadway in Manhattan reveals a little bit of early American History.
Trinity Churchyard, Manhattan
    Visit Alexander Hamilton's tomb here. And no, he was not a president. He was secretary of the treasury. He was killed in a duel by Aaron Burr on July 12, 1804.
     Showing this photography to a friend, he called it a memento mori. The financial center of the world rises in the background while the foreground reminds us of death.