
Exploring Ancient Herms: A Visit to the Met Museum and Discovering Timeless Symbols

Join me on a journey through the Met Museum, exploring ancient herms and uncovering the enduring influence of these fascinating artifacts.

🏛️ Spent the day exploring the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and guess what caught my eye? Herms! These ancient pillars featured the busts of gods like Hermes and marked roads, entrances, and even doorways in the ancient world. Swipe left to see the striking example I found!
🚶‍♂️Why Hermes? He’s not just any god; he’s the patron saint of travelers and the psychopomp ferrying souls to the afterlife. Talk about multitasking! Hermes is also the god of commerce. These pillars were more than just art; they were divine guideposts for ancient society.

🚄 Flashback to earlier this summer when I was admiring the statue of Hermes perched atop Grand Central Station. Mind. Blown. 🤯 I suddenly realized that Grand Central is like a modern-day herm! It’s a transit hub guiding travelers and bustling with shops and eateries, making it a center of commerce, too.

🔁 The ancient and the modern worlds aren’t as far apart as we often think. It’s awe-inspiring to see that the symbolism of herms and Hermes has traveled through time, just like the travelers they protect and guide.

🌟 So next time you pass through Grand Central or another bustling hub, maybe take a moment to appreciate the millennia of human history that continue to resonate in our daily lives. Who knows what other timeless symbols are around us, quietly shaping our world?


What Learning to Program in the 1990s Taught Me About How Computers Work and Why Generative Artificial Intelligence Makes Sense to Me

It's circa 1991 — during my middle school years — I attended a small Catholic school where I enrolled in a computer science class. The computers ran on a slow-running operating system called MS-DOS that included a cool feature — a way to code in a basic programming language called QBasic, featuring a simple lime green blinking cursor on the screen. It ran Nibbles, a fun game to boot, but to play more advanced games, we used floppy disks, slightly larger than a postcard but smaller than a standard piece of paper, containing a metallic tape where data was stored.

Illustration of a classroom filled with old Commodore computers running on QBasic
I requested Dalle-3 to create an illustration depicting
my computer science classroom, vividly filled with
Commodore computers operating on QBasic.

The fun aspect of these classes involved playing games on these floppy disks. However, equally engaging was experimenting with QBasic. It's a simple, beginner-friendly programming language developed by Microsoft. It was quite popular in the late 1980s and early 1990s for teaching programming basics in an easy-to-understand way. QBasic is known for its simplicity, making it a good starting point for beginners in programming. We could create command lines and basic math problems. Our teacher introduced us to subroutines, enabling us to develop more complex programs like a quiz show. For instance, I programmed a game where the user would answer questions like "What is the capital of Washington State?". Correct answers led to more challenging questions, while wrong ones could end the game or reduce progress. By the way — the answer is Olympia.

Over time, I developed an advanced quiz bowl game with fifty unique questions embedded in different subroutine categories, enhancing my programming skills. My fascination with QBasic grew, prompting me to research more about it in the public library. I learned to replicate other programs, such as the classic snake game.

For illustrative purposes — here's a snippet of QBasic code.

SUB AskWashingtonCapital
    DIM answer AS STRING
    PRINT "What is the capital of Washington State? The answer is Olympia."
    INPUT answer
    IF LCASE$(answer) = "olympia" THEN
        PRINT "Correct! Now for a more difficult question."
        PRINT "That's not correct. Let's try an easier question."
    END IF

Fast forward to 2023, the world of generative AI is an evolution of my early programming experiences. When using a tool like ChatGPT, asking a question like the capital of Washington State, it processes the query using its neural network and provides an answer, similar to the if-then statements in my quiz game. However, the complexity and scale of these large language models (LLMs) are far beyond what we had back then.

These models, like ChatGPT, are based on vast amounts of data fed into them, enabling predictive text generation. Yet, unlike human cognition, these computers don't 'understand' in the same way we do. They process information based on input from human-made sources, creating an artificial neural network.

Looking ahead, these neural networks could eventually update themselves, especially if they gain access to the internet or large databases. This self-improvement capability in computer programs could lead to significant advancements in AI, potentially paving the way to what some refer to as 'the singularity.' The future of this technology is uncertain, but its potential is undoubtedly intriguing.


From Zero to 2,036: My Slow Burn Journey as a TpT Seller

I'm eager to share more about my side endeavor where I craft and vend educational digital content. My process involves considering what educators might need—be it customizable digital worksheets, interactive games featuring mythological characters, or innovative lesson plans that incorporate philosophy into the classroom. I'm dedicated to creating these resources with a special focus on enriching the teaching experience for middle and high school English and humanities instructors.

The chart shows visually how my store has grown bit by bit.

    Hello, fellow educators and creators! I want to share my personal journey as a TpT (Teachers Pay Teachers) seller to offer encouragement to those just starting out and connect with my fellow middle and high school humanities and English content creators.

My Timeline on TpT

  • 2017: Took the plunge and opened my TpT store. However, I didn't manage to sell any units.
  • 2018: Still dipping my toes in, I sold a meager 4 units.
  • 2019: Finally began to take things a bit more seriously midway through the year, resulting in 107 units sold.
  • 2020 & 2021: This was when I really decided to commit, and it paid off. I sold 188 units in 2020 and a whopping 541 units in 2021.
  • 2022: Continued my upward trajectory with 603 units sold.
  • 2023 (as of November 1st): Already close to last year's total with 588 units sold.
  • All-Time Units Sold: 2,036 and counting!

A Closer Look

As I posted (see figure above), my TpT journey is visually a slow burn (maybe burning a wild campfire, who knows?!). The quick snapshot of my journey is from the online tool TpT has created for sellers to see stats and stuff. 

My Style

I'd be the first to admit I'm not what you'd call a "serious" seller. My store doesn't follow traditional marketing techniques, and my cover designs are beautiful pieces of chaos. But the numbers speak for themselves — buyers, especially those in the middle and high school humanities and English sectors, appreciate what I bring to the table.

So, whether you're a newbie struggling to make your first sale or a veteran looking for some inspiration, remember that there's room for everyone in this marketplace. Just find your niche and stick with it!

Cheers to more learning and sharing ahead!


Unveiling Mythology to Teens: Insights from the Humanities Classroom

In this post, I talk about simple ways teachers in a middle or high school humanities classroom can explore the vast richness of a diverse set of myths.
Storm-Tossed and Star Crossed: Paris and Helen's Epic Journey to Troy
In this captivating illustration, Paris and Helen, the ill-fated lovers, braved a tempestuous sea to reach the legendary city of Troy. The turbulent waves and dark skies mirror the tumultuous fate that awaited them. Meanwhile, Cassandra, the prophetess cursed with foresight, stands witness to their arrival, her eyes carrying the weight of the tragedies to come. This vivid scene captures the essence of their epic tale, where love and destiny collide amidst the fury of nature.

Along with the stories from the Trojan War, embrace a rich trove of mythology resources that comprise a range of digital resources, ideal for middle and high school students. I understand the breadth of mythology can be overwhelming, with countless tales and myriad versions.


The Power of Sustained Reading in an Age of Distraction

In today's digital world, we are bombarded with information from all sides. A tweet here, a blog post there, or perhaps a quick audio snippet from a podcast. But when was the last time you truly committed to an author's work, something that demanded more than a mere few minutes of your attention? This is what I pondered upon recently in a conversation with a former student. 
Concept Art "Reading is Essential, Children,"
made by one of my Tenth Graders.

The Definition of 'Book'

One of my former students said to me, when I told them what they had been reading. "Why does it have to be a book?" He meant that he did a lot of reading, he thought. Just not "books." When we talk about books, what often comes to mind is a traditional, bound, printed matter that you purchase or borrow. However, a book can be so much more. A book can be an ebook, an audiobook, a text message series, or even a PDF. It doesn't have to be a lengthy piece; it just needs to offer a sustained treatment of a subject or a narrative, with a beginning, middle, and end. 

The Digital Era and Sustained Reading

The digital age has unquestionably expanded our avenues for consuming content. From TikTok videos and YouTube shorts to tweets and social media posts, we live in a fast-paced, internet-driven world. While these platforms offer unique and engaging content, they often don't require long-term engagement from the audience.

Research indicates that reading for pleasure has declined among young people. Studies by the National Center for Education Statistics support the notion that not only are kids reading less for enjoyment, but this trend extends to individuals under the age of 55 as well. However, it's not entirely fair to place the blame solely on technology and mass media.

One contributing factor could be the way reading is taught in schools, particularly over the last few decades. English and Reading teachers are frequently under pressure to adhere to standardized curricula that focus heavily on skill development, often at the expense of fostering a love for reading.


Prudence, Wisdom, and Self-Care: The Uncommon Story of Zeus and Metis

We've all heard of Zeus, the King of the Gods, known for his godly escapades and tumultuous love affairs. However, little is spotlighted about Metis, Zeus’s first wife and the Greek personification of prudence. Often sidelined by mainstream mythological tales, the story of Zeus and Metis carries essential lessons on prudence, wisdom, and self-care—virtues that have seemingly fallen by the wayside in today's fast-paced world.

A drawing of the face of the Oceanid Titaness Metis
The Writer's Imagining of Metis
as Drawn on an Ancient Greek Vase.

The Misunderstanding of Prudence

Unfortunately, prudence often suffers from a negative connotation, easily confused with being a prude or overly cautious. Yet, the virtue signifies the art of making thoughtful and balanced decisions that bring the least harm and greatest good. A case in point is Prudential, one of America’s leading insurance companies, built on the very tenets of safeguarding and caution. 

The Transformative Tale of Zeus and Metis

In Greek mythology, Metis embodies the virtue of prudence. Pursued by Zeus, she transforms into various animals to escape his advances—a common trope in Greek mythology. Zeus, afraid that Metis would bear a child more powerful than him, swallows her whole. While this may seem like the end for Metis, she continues to live within Zeus, imparting wisdom and prudential advice.

Wisdom Versus Prudence

The child born from this unique union is Athena, the goddess of wisdom. However, it's suggested that Athena lacks the maternal warmth that defined Metis. Herein lies the nuanced difference between wisdom and prudence: wisdom often focuses on knowledge and rational decisions, while prudence adds an emotional layer, emphasizing care for oneself and others.

The Self-Care Connection

Prudence is not just about minimizing risks; it's a form of self-care. It requires a delicate balance of wisdom and empathy to make decisions that are beneficial not only to oneself but also to those we care about. This often involves taking a step back, evaluating the situation, and then proceeding with caution and consideration.

The Living Legacy of Metis

While Metis might have met an unfortunate end, her essence lived on, both in Zeus’s wisdom and Athena’s intellect. This eternal legacy serves as a lesson that prudence, wisdom, and self-care are deeply intertwined virtues, worth much more than their misunderstood reputations. 

Through the tale of Zeus and Metis, we find a treasure trove of life lessons waiting to be applied in our own lives. Far from being forgotten, their story teaches us that prudence is not a constraint.

Find Mythology Content and More! On the Stones of Erasmus Store


How to Find Cheap Books: A Savvy Reader’s Guide

Reading is a lifelong passion of mine. I've bought books from garage sales for a dollar, and I've also purchased expensive hardcovers from museum bookstores. It's all part of being a book lover! But let's face it: books can get expensive.

As an English teacher and content creator who appreciates the value of literature, I know that finding books at an affordable price can be quite a challenge. So, how can you save a few dollars without compromising on the quality of your reading material? Here are some tried-and-true methods:

Online Marketplaces

  • Amazon Used Books: When it comes to purchasing books online, Amazon is a go-to destination. But before you click "Buy Now" on that brand-new hardcover, take a moment to explore the used book options. Often, reputable sellers like Better World Books offer used copies for as little as $1 to $3. However, keep in mind that shipping and handling costs can add up, so consider that in your budgeting.
  • Other Online Vendors: Besides Amazon, websites like AbeBooks and Better World Books provide affordable book options. You'll have to pay shipping, but if a book usually costs $30, you could find it for as little as $10. Keep in mind that used books, whether you buy them online or at a shop, often have evidence of use, such as folded pages and markings inside the books left by previous owners. When shopping online for used books, be sure to read the description notes carefully, as sellers will tell you the condition of the book. Each used book is different!

Annual Sales and Book Fairs

  • Major Annual Book Sales: If you live in a large metropolitan area, keep an eye out for major annual book sales like the Symphony Book Sale in New Orleans run by the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra. They rent out the University of New Orleans arena to sell their books! In New York, if you like antiquarian books (which are definitely more expensive), go to the annual Antiquarian Book Sale. These events often offer thousands of books for as low as $1. Yes, it's almost like a treasure hunt for book lovers! 
  • Don't know what's available in your area? Look for non-profit organizations, hospitals, schools, churches, temples, synagogues, mosques, and other venues to see if they have book sales. When I worked at a small liberal arts college, you'd be amazed at how many donations of books we'd receive. So it doesn't hurt to ask around to see if organizations have books to either sell cheaply or even give away.

Local Discoveries

  • Your Local Book Shop: Yes, locally-owned bookshops still exist! Support them and buy a book. Even bookshops that sell new books at full price often have books for sale in a bin or in a box. Just ask. The classy Argosy bookshop in New York has an outside table with books for as little as a dollar.
  • Specialized Bookstores: If you're in a place like New York City, visiting used bookstores like The Strand near Union Square or Argosy Books in Midtown Manhattan can be a treat. If you're on the West coast — try Moe's. These stores often put out cheaper books on tables outside the shop. The drawback? They might not have the latest releases or bestsellers.
  • Neighborhood Garage Sales: Never underestimate the power of a weekend garage sale. Many people put out books they no longer need, and you can often find gems for free or at a nominal price.
  • Public Libraries: Your local library might have sales or even give away books that are being taken out of circulation. Although time-consuming, the hunt can yield rich rewards.
  • Street Vendors: On major avenues like Malcolm X Boulevard or Broadway, or in Union Square, you'll often find men with tables full of books, usually going for a dollar.
  • Thrift Stores: Don't underestimate the joy of discovering a unique find at Goodwill, The Salvation Army, or Housing Works! While these thrift stores primarily focus on kitchen utensils and clothing, they often feature a book bin or a dedicated wall for used books. Generally, thrift stores offer the lowest prices, but keep in mind that they don't curate their book selection. The condition you find the book in is what you get.

The Joy of Serendipity

  • Serendipity: Sometimes the best finds are unplanned. While walking around your neighborhood or grabbing a coffee, you might stumble upon free books that people leave outside their homes.
  • Free Books: Yes, you can find various places that offer books for free. Libraries and religious organizations are common sources, as well as individuals like the woman who leaves books on her stoop. Additionally, neighborhood organizations often sponsor "Little Free Libraries," where you can take a book and leave one in return. Personally, I have a soft spot for the Brooklyn Book Bodega (full disclosure—I volunteer there), which provides free books to New Yorkers.

Tips for eBook Lovers

Finding cheap eBooks is trickier. However, if you're adept at internet searches, you might find a PDF version of the book you're looking for, although the legality of this varies.

So, there you have it: a plethora of options to get your hands on cheap books. Whether you prefer physical copies or eBooks, there's something out there for every budget-conscious reader. Happy reading!

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