Showing posts with label words. Show all posts
Showing posts with label words. Show all posts


The Surprising Roots of “Community” and the Hidden Boundaries We Create

Have you ever wondered why some everyday words seem to carry hidden layers of meaning? By taking a closer look at the etymology of “community,” we discover fascinating tensions between togetherness and exclusion. The prefix co- means “with” or “together,” reflected in words like cooperate and coexist. However, the root muni stems from the Latin concept of walls and military defense—think “munitions” or “municipality.” In other words, while “community” conveys unity, it also implies boundaries that protect insiders and keep outsiders at bay. This duality raises crucial questions about who belongs and who does not, revealing how even the simplest terms can encode profound social and cultural forces.
On "Community"

One thing I’ve learned from examining words closely is how revealing they can be—and how often they point to tension between binary forces we tend to take for granted. Consider “community.” We typically see it as a positive term for belonging, yet when we deconstruct it, we uncover both unity and the idea of separation.

The co- prefix (from Latin) means “together” or “with,” as in cooperate (to work together) or coexist (to exist alongside). Then there’s the muni element. It likely stems from the Latin munire (“to fortify” or “protect”), which in turn relates to moenia (Latin for “defensive walls”). We see this military flavor in words like munitions (armaments or weaponry).

So while “community” conjures an image of people coming together, its deeper linguistic roots hint at building boundaries or fortifications to keep threats out. This creates a subtle tension—every act of inclusion or togetherness can imply an outside that’s excluded. By probing the origins of everyday words like this, we see how language itself encodes a push-and-pull between openness and defense, raising important questions about who belongs and who remains on the outside.

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You Talk Too Much: On the Pleasures of Logorrhea

Wherein I expound on the pleasures and gains of excessive talking.

Is Silence Golden?
Common wisdom says silence is golden. I respect the virtue of a silent tongue. For example - silent meditation is divine. In the morning, I like to think in the quiet nil of the morning. However, there is also a perverse virtue in talking a lot. Talking relieves pressure and it helps the mind sort out ideas. Talking is enjoyable and it’s a salient way to test out new ideas and words (and stuff). I’m often told I talk too much (if you know me well, reading that last part will make you grin). I don’t think loose lips 👄 sink ships. I think talk should be loose. Otherwise how can you get closer to the truth? 

Let Talking Dance!
Talking lets you dance between binaries. Find value in common sense. I’d wither in a world of oppressive silence. Now. Don’t get me wrong. Quiet spaces are wonderful. Today all my kiddos were each reading books they’d chosen. Silently. But. Afterward, we were laughing and crying - sharing what we read! I’d be cheeky to say everything in moderation (because I think moderation is overrated). Go be loquacious. Don’t think about what you want to say. Free associate. But dip into the silence if you want to. But when there’s talking join the fray. It’ll boost societal health. Try it.
Random Fun Facts I Learned Today
1. Satan is an anagram for Santa.
2. Afghanistan is a land-locked country.
3. "-stan" means country in Persian.
4. The word "typewriter" can be written using only the top row keys of a QWERTY typewriter. 
5. China has city populations of millions-of-people-and-more than any other modern country.
6. The English word "goodbye" originally comes from "Go with God".
7. French fries are called "pomme frites" in France. Not French fries.
8. The Belgians are the first people to actually innovate on the fried potato.
9. The word "philosophy" derives from ancient Greek and it literally means "love of wisdom".
10. Braille can be found on the support columns of most New York City subway stations to help blind people read the names of stations.
11. People once thought that maggots spontaneously generated from rotten meat.
12. Quasars are the brightest and most distant objects in the known universe.
13. Dorothy in the original Wonderful Wizard of Oz books wears silver slippers (not ruby ones).
14. The capital of China is Beijing. If you translate the name of the city it literally means "North Capital".
15. Contrary to popular belief, an astronaut living inside the International Space Station won't be able to see the Great Wall of China from space. 
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Poem: "Portraits"

A long view of the Abbey Church seen through trees and midst in Saint Benedict, Louisiana

Click here for a printable copy of "Portraits" © 2007 Greig Roselli