Showing posts with label surrealism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label surrealism. Show all posts


Stage Fright Dreams: Luis Buñuel & Performance Anxiety

Exploring stage-fright dreams, Buñuel's surreal dinner scene, and the fear of being caught unprepared in life's grand performance. Dive in now!
Luis Buñuel’s 1972 film, The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie
I often have a recurring dream where I’m thrust onto a stage with no warning. Someone hands me a script or whispers lines from the wings, but no matter how hard I try, I can’t remember what to say. Sometimes I wander onstage at the wrong moment, sometimes I’ve had no rehearsal at all. If you’ve ever had this dream, you know that mix of panic and embarrassment—the feeling of being caught unprepared in front of an audience.

It’s a fairly common dream, one that makes me think of Shakespeare’s famous line: “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players.” At some level, maybe we all worry about “getting caught in the act”—of not performing our life’s roles correctly.

This fear of being exposed is brilliantly captured in Luis Buñuel’s 1972 film, The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie. A staple of the Criterion Collection, it’s considered a classic of surrealist and absurdist cinema, and for good reason. Buñuel, who was associated with Salvador Dalí and other surrealists, loved to toy with social conventions, exposing them as both necessary and utterly absurd.

One scene in particular hits home for me. A group of bourgeois friends sits down to dinner in a strange, empty space—like an abandoned theater. Suddenly, there’s a persistent knocking sound. The confused dinner guests discover, to their horror, that a curtain has risen behind them, revealing a full audience. Someone off to the side tries to feed them lines, but they’ve forgotten their cues. In a neat twist, it turns out to be one character’s dream—an unsettling realization that resonates perfectly with my own recurring nightmare.

Watching that scene gives me a weird kind of solace. It’s Buñuel’s cinematic reflection of the universal anxiety that we’ll someday find ourselves onstage—caught without our lines, exposed as frauds. And yet, there’s something comical and liberating about it, too: the laughter we feel when we realize that maybe we’re all just fumbling through our parts together.

So thank you, Buñuel, for capturing in film what I’ve so often experienced in my sleep. Sometimes all you can do is wake up, laugh at the whole performance, and carry on—until the next time the red curtain rises.
I hope reading my blog post helps to convey a dream’s recurring nature and the link to Buñuel’s classic surrealist moment. Let me know what you think! Like my content—find my humanities based lesson plans on TpT


Aesthetic Thursday: Surrealism in Film

Perhaps one of my favorite films of all time: Luis Buñuel's The Phantom of Liberty (1974). 
Interpret this nonsensical "dream sequence" however you want - I think it is pure brilliance. Compare this scene to Buñuel's other dream sequence in Los Olvidados (1950). Interesting, right? 


Aesthetic Thursday: Surrealist Drawing

Toyen, Tir VI / The Shooting Gallery, 1939-1940

Toyen (née Marie Cerminova) is the name of a Czech artist. This drawing is on exhibit at the Morgan Library in New York City as part of a series of surrealist drawings.

This particular piece is notable for its juxtaposition of childlike imagery against a stark pointillist dessert.

The exhibit is open from January 25 through April 21, 2013.


Movie Review: Kaboom!

A Crisp, Sci-Fi sexcapade ushers in the apocalypse.
Kaboom! Directed by Greg Araki Starring: Haley Bennett, Thomas Dekker, James Duval, Chris Zylka, Brennan Mejia — Running time: 1 hour and 26 minutes

Movies are metaphors for dreams. Or, better still, movies can slip between reality and dream effortlessly. The movie dream is a cinematic exhibition of fantasy. I think David Lynch's fantasy mindbenders attest to film's obsession with dream sequences mirroring reality in strange, bombastic ways. Kaboom! is no different. Just less serious.

Araki's Kaboom! testifies to the surrealistic, dream-like aspect of film with a brief nod to Bunūel's Un Chien Andalou. A shot of a razor blade slicing through a human eyeball sends the message that the movie is a movie about film. Or a movie about film's obsession with dream-like fantastic images. Among other things. I'm not sure what to make of Kaboom!.

Characters eat lunch at a café called, "Ontological Void." Am I supposed to infer something here? What is the void? And how can a void be ontological? Am I supposed to applaud Araki for being both clever and blithely cynical? The protagonist, Smith, (Thomas Dekker) a film student at an unnamed California liberal arts college, pines for his hunky roomie Thor (Chris Zylka), spends a huge amount of quality of time analyzing his dreams, pals around with his Lesbian hottie gal pal Stella (Haley Bennett), experiments with lots of sex (with both boys and girls), and in a zany twist becomes caught up in a cultic conspiracy hurtling towards an end-of-the -world finale which will leave most viewers scratching their heads asking, "huh?"

Considering Araki's most recent films, Mysterious Skin, and his teen apocalyptic trilogy, one thing is for sure: Araki presents teenage sexuality (replete with young writhing bodies) as a domain of searching for self-identity in witty, culturally sophisticated tones. Even though everyone in this movie is crisply gorgeous, sans fault, and indulge in lots of sex, the overall sense I get from the movie is witty intelligence rather than visceral explosion. Just like Mysterious Skin's Cheerios sex scene, Araki films sex to avert the viewer's eye from the hormonal to the cerebral. I'm sure the Kaboom! in the title alludes to both orgasm and epiphany. The Kaboom! as in the comic arts Kaboom! Pow! and the kaboom of explosion, all's well that ends well.

I loved the ending. Kaboom! That's it. The movie is fun solely because it's ending is so self-deprecating. Araki's clean shot scenes of ultra modern college cafeterias and blue-lit dorm rooms all enclose an interesting plot replete with voodoo, magic cookies, witches, cult leaders, men in animal masks, lines like, "it's a vagina, not spaghetti," or "that's nuttier than squirrel shit," or, "Of course. And does Mel Gibson hate Jews?" At the end of the movie all is revealed and it's a satisfying nihilistic romp. It's not supposed to mean anything. Like a nihilistic fantasy, it's an ontological void. Am I supposed to love this movie because it takes nothing seriously? Or am I supposed to feel embarrassed because I just don't get it?

The movie is a fantasy stemming from Smith's over-active imagination. The opening shot is a dream sequence. The movie is a fantasy of what any good looking college boy embarking on sexual awakening would want: sex with no strings attached, unbarred adulation, sex with hot hunky, married men, an orgy, and in the end, the promise of a boyfriend. Or so it seems. You want Smith to find romance. The romantic plot is subterfuged*, however, by Araki's knee jerk reaction to take the film beyond genre and rest in the "meta" of metanarrative.

Araki overlays the typical college narrative with American Pie humor: Smith gets caught watching porn, and his gal pal quips, "You don't think I can't hear your porn through these thin walls?" Or, London in a sex scene tells a boy how to eat her out while reminding him of the Kinsey's loose interpretation of sexuality which leads both London, Smith, and the boy Rex having a Britney Spears 1-2-3. Smith calls his mom while she's having sex with her masseuse and she answers, "I'm in a meeting. I can't talk right now."

Add the myth of the absent father, the bitchy mother, the desire to annihilate reality, and the deep adolescent urge to live in a fantasy world, then you have Araki's new film.

Beware: the sex is not as titillating as watching "witch girl" evaporate in writhing pain, or close up shots of mac and cheese, snack vending machine turning out chips, or laugh-out-loud special effects more humorous than an Ed Wood flick - but just as corny as John Waters.

Sure to be a cult classic.
* N.B. I am aware that subterfuge is traditionally used as a noun; however, here, I use it as a verb.