Showing posts with label critical thinking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label critical thinking. Show all posts


Deciphering the Language of Manipulation: From Billboards to Broadcasts

from Walker Percy's 1961 novel, The Moviegoer. The quote is as follows:  "We drive along the highway and see a sign for a restaurant. We stop and eat there, and the food is not as good as the picture on the sign. This is a universal experience. We are always disappointed."  The quote appears on page 12 of the novel. In the context of the novel, the quote is part of a larger discussion about the nature of reality and perception. Percy argues that the images we see on billboards and in other forms of advertising are often more perfect than reality itself. This can lead to disappointment when we experience the real thing, which is never quite as good as the image.  The quote has been cited by other authors and thinkers, and it has been used to explore the relationship between advertising, perception, and reality. It is a reminder that the images we see in the world are not always what they seem.
Percy writes about perception and reality in his 1961 novel The Moviegoer.
In this post, I explore the captivating world of language manipulation and marketing tactics by making my own thought experiment called "Walker Percy's Hamburger."
A plate of french fries and a hamburger
Would you like a yummy hamburger?
Metaphorical Journey into Authenticity
Picture this: You're cruising down a highway, and suddenly, an image of a perfect, glistening hamburger on a billboard catches your eye. This isn't just any burger; it's an artistic masterpiece that sends your taste buds into a frenzy. It's got glistening lettuce peeking out of the bun, a crispy patty, oozing mayo, and an immaculate spherical bun. This image is so compelling that you find yourself making an unplanned pit stop at the advertised restaurant. However, the reality that awaits you, sadly, is far from the tantalizing image promised. This dichotomy between representation and reality is a phenomenon that American novelist Walker Percy masterfully encapsulated. It also presents a fascinating lens through which we can explore the influence and manipulation of language, especially within the realm of our capitalist consumption.

Walker Percy's Hamburger
Walker Percy's illustration of the mouth-watering burger, which ends in disappointment, serves as a perfect metaphor for how language and marketing tactics can manipulate our expectations. These linguistic structures have a unique way of extending our experiences by luring us with attractive phrases, glamorous pictures, and strategically crafted narratives. One could even say that these structures are filled with what some have coined as "non-content fillables". They don't necessarily provide new information or factual content, yet they prove irresistible. Terms like "popular", "famous", or "most visited" are quintessential examples of these fillables. They aren't verifiable facts or insightful opinions, but they command attention and evoke intrigue, often without any accountability from the advertiser.

This practice extends beyond the fast-food industry and permeates our social world, shaping our perceptions and our consumption patterns. One might argue that these manipulative language structures hinder our ability to experience reality authentically or that they foster distrust. Yet, I propose a different perspective: This phenomenon could also serve as a tool to sharpen our critical thinking. It encourages us to dissect and investigate what's presented to us, essentially turning us into detectives of authenticity in an era of manufactured realities.


Writing a Movie Review: Writer's Workshop for Middle and High School Grades 8-10

Incorporating Movies into English Language Arts and Writing Instruction

Cover Art for a Writing a Movie Review listing from the Stones of Erasmus TpT store
Unlock English mastery! Transform your classroom with
engaging movie reviews that boost language skills, critical thinking,
and student participation.
Movies are more than just an engaging way to pass the time. They are an amalgamation of storytelling, characterization, themes, and visual representation, which offer a vibrant medium to teach English language arts and writing instruction. Imagine this — your class of young, energetic middle or high schoolers analyzing, discussing, and reviewing movies while learning and honing their English skills. Not only is it fun and engaging, but it also provides an interactive way to understand complex language structures, themes, and concepts.

What's Included?

  1. Teacher's Note for Using this Resource in the English and Writing Classroom: A helpful guide to ensure you get the most out of the resources provided.

  2. Do's and Don'ts Anchor Chart: A visual guide to direct students on what to include and what to avoid in their movie review.

  3. Fillable Movie Information Sheet for Before, During, and After Viewing: This allows students to track key information and impressions throughout the viewing experience, which helps build their review later.

  4. Extended Written Response, Movie Quotes Double Entry Journal, Parts of a Movie Review Graphic Organizer: These tools support and scaffold students' writing, thinking, and reflection processes.

  5. 3 Exit Ticket Strategies for Formative Assessment: These will help you gauge student understanding and progress at the end of each lesson.

  6. Movie Review Skills Assessment, 4-Point Grading Rubric, Student-Facing Checklist, and Grading Sheet: These tools help students self-assess their work and aid teachers in providing clear, fair, and consistent grading.

  7. 5-Star Rating and Rough Draft Starter: This provides students a starting point for their review and a simple, familiar way to give their overall rating.

Incorporating movie analysis into your curriculum can be a dynamic way to inspire student engagement and improve their English language and writing skills. By combining entertainment and education, you're teaching them language and skills like critical thinking, analysis, and self-expression.

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