
Unlocking Success: A Guide to Building Strong Parent-Teacher Connections with Our First-Day Surveys

Hi, teachers! Are you putting together the resources you need for your classroom? Don't forget to set yourself up for success by communicating with the parents and guardians of your students on day one of the school year. Enhance parent-teacher communication with comprehensive surveys from Stones of Erasmus. Tailored for English Language Arts, these surveys foster meaningful relationships.

Cover Art for a Print and Digital Educational Resource that Allows Teachers to Send Meaningful Surveys to Parents and Guardians on the First Day of School or for a Parent-Teacher Conference
Download a Suite of Print and Digital Tools on TpT.
Connecting with your students' parents or guardians is vital for a successful school year. Our specially designed parent surveys, tailored for the first day of school, are here to help. Created with secondary students in mind, these surveys include sections on general information, student learning attitudes, and additional insights. Whether you choose to send the survey home via email, print it out, or make it available at your school's first parent-teacher conference, it's good to know you have a tool to make a positive impression (and all of the forms are editable to suit your community's needs).

Available in PDF, Google Docs, and Google Forms versions, these surveys are easy to share and analyze. Whether you're an English Language Arts teacher or looking to build meaningful relationships with parents, these surveys are your go-to resource. With 10 focused questions and editable options, you can quickly gather information to assist your students and their adults. Don't miss out on this opportunity to up your game and make the first day of school a stepping stone towards a fruitful academic year.

Feel free to send questions, feedback, or to report errata to support@stonesoferasmus.com.

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