
Mr. Roselli’s Rules according to Bon Qui Qui: A Remix of King Burger Comedy from Mad TV

A comedic guide to balancing fun and order in class, from silly requests to major violations (we’ve got Suh-curity on speed dial!).
Anjelah Johnson as Bon Qui Qui in a 2007 Mad TV sketch, humorously confronting “complicated orders” by threatening customers and calling security.

You can have it your way, but don’t get crazy!

In other words, have fun in class, but don’t cause chaos.

Complicated Order!

Don’t ask me questions that make NO Sense

Rude, don’t interrupt

Don’t interrupt me when I am speaking

You can have a coke

I say this when what you ask is REDONCULOUS

Do not get loud with me

There is no need to scream

Suh - Curity

To the Bench

That is what I had said

Do I have to repeat myself? Please

Uhhhhh … No … Suh - curity

Major Violation

Needs to Go … Needs to Go


I will Cut You


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